Since you asked…

Community Child Care Association’s blog for early childhood educators

Educator looking up at the ceiling with a chalk drawing of a set of balanced scales on the blackboard behind them

Question: How can we achieve an equitable workload?

Answer: Review workloads, check in with staff, and play to their strengths and interests!

Audit the tasks that need to be undertaken at your service. Ask staff to list the tasks they undertake each day and…

Educator looking at a device with thumbs up and thumbs down in the background

Question: How do I stop comparing myself to other educators on social media?

Answer: While social media can be a useful tool for finding new ideas and networking, it can be debilitating when it makes us feel inferior or like we’re not doing enough. The good news is, there are strategies that can help keep the comparisons in check!

Keep an eye on your feelings – notice which posts, pages, groups and people bring out the comparisons. Consider…

Two educators collaborating over documents

Question: How do I support my team with timesaving strategies for documentation?

Answer: Time for our teachers and educators is of the essence and we always hear that there is never enough time to get documentation done. We need to work smarter, not harder.

Here are some simple ways to document children’s learning. 

For each of the points below, get children…

Educator and school aged children planting and digging in a garden bed

Question: As a single-educator OSHC coordinator with limited time and a small group of children, how can I keep programs vibrant and responsive with fewer children’s interests to springboard from, and no immediate colleagues to bounce ideas off?

Answer: Listen to families, lean on your peers, and utilise existing resources.

Firstly, you need to be a keen observer. Listen out for cues when children or families are talking …

Two educators walking down a hallway in conversation

Question: What happens if I disagree with an Authorised Officer during Assessment and Rating? Is it a bad idea to politely question them on the spot?

Answer: Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification.

The Authorised Officer (AO) isn’t at the service to provide their own viewpoint or opinion about…

Educator sitting on a child's chair, resting their chin in one hand and looking off in the distance

Question: I keep hearing about how there aren’t enough educators and teachers. What can we do to stop this affecting our children’s service?

Answer: Whilst there isn’t a magic fix-all, there are some steps you can take to keep your workforce strong.

  1. Think ahead and get planning.
    When we get stuck in a reactive space trying to quickly fill…

Three educators enjoying a conversation, one is holding a folder

Question: What's the best way to get a new team connected quickly?

Answer: By creating a sense of belonging.

Unfortunately, there is no magic trick for connecting a new team. Reflect on how you can best support…

An educator and school-aged children using coloured pencils together at a table.

Question: Is it OK to employ someone with limited experience?

Answer: Yes.

Many services are experiencing challenges in recruiting and retaining experienced staff. So, is it OK…