Community Child Care Association (CCC) in partnership with Community Early Learning Australia (CELA), have created a plan that can deliver the Prime Minister’s vision for early education and care in…

This document illustrates the growing need for services, the lack resources to address the inclusion needs, and the positive impact VIA is having on services' ability to support children who have…

This report on inclusion in early learning and OSHC reveals that inclusion is tracking backward for children in regional areas and those from low-income households.

The Treasurer has confirmed that the Federal Budget will include a multi-million dollar provision towards wage increases for early childhood educators.

This inquiry will shape the direction of the education and care sector for the next decade. As such, the vision for the next ten years needs to be clear, ensure that children’s needs are at…

This submission outlines recommendations that can close the education gap and deliver the early education system that Australia deserves.

CCC and CELA welcome the draft findings and recommendations of the ACCC September interim report as part of the 2023 Childcare Inquiry.

Fair pay and conditions for early educators is one step closer, following today’s decision by the Fair Work Commission.

Investing in a sustainable ECEC sector is an investment in our current and future prosperity as a nation.

Under new federal IR laws, peak bodies CCC and CELA will represent community-run providers in the first national application for multi-employer bargaining in the early education and care sector.

Recent years have exposed the fault lines in Australia’s education and care system. Now is the time for a bold reimagining of the education and care system.

CCC and CELA welcome Labor’s federal budget 2023, announcing the investment of over $9 billion to deliver a stronger, more accessible education and care sector.