Pay rise for early childhood educators and teachers

We did it! Educators and teachers in eligible services will receive a government-funded 15% pay rise, following negotiations led by CCC and other representatives.

Pay rise for early childhood educators and teachers

Free! services to access the government-funded 15% pay rise for early childhood and OSHC 

In August 2024, the Federal Government committed to fund a new worker retention payment for early childhood education and care teachers and educators.

The Worker Retention Grant provides funding to services to pass on a 15% increase on Award wages to early childhood staff.

It is now a lot easier for services to access the Government funded pay rise for ECEC staff, with access to free support to apply for the Worker Retention Grant Payment.

Following months of advocacy, Community Child Care Association (CCC) and Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) have been successfully granted funding to support services to apply for the Worker Retention Grant, including accessing an eligible workplace instrument.

CCC and CELA have partnered to form the Education and Care Workplace Relations Team. This Team has already been working with providers to inform, educate and guide them through the process to access the funding.

Eligible services will now be able to access information and support from our Workplace Relations Team FOR FREE including:

  • In-depth information through our Options Pack which outlines options for your service to access the grant
  • Resources and phone support to understand the Worker Retention Grant
  • Advice on options to comply with grant requirements, including the requirement to be covered by an eligible workplace instrument
  • Comprehensive support to join onto the ECEC Multi-Employer Agreement
  • Access to other workplace instruments including approved Individual Flexibility Arrangements (IFAs)
  • Support to apply for the Worker Retention Grant. 

We would encourage you to familiarise yourself with the following information, along with that in the Options Pack or on the Australian Government’s Department of Education website prior to contacting us so we can better assist with your queries.

When you are ready, you can reach one of our sector specialists by phone on 1300 346 818 or email 

Getting started

To support providers to understand the grant and how to access it, we have created an Options Pack, which details the workplace instruments available to meet this grant condition and how we can support you.

There is absolutely no obligation once you have received the Options Pack.

Register through the link below to find out how our Workplace Relations Team can help your service.

Request Options Pack

Have questions specific to your service? Call us on 1300 346 818

In this short 2-minute video, listen to how other providers have worked with the Workplace Relations Team to access the funding. 

Access a workplace instrument

Once you have considered what best suits your service though our Options Pack, our Workplace Relations Team can support you to access an eligible workplace instrument.

Access an eligible workplace instrument:

  • ECEC Multi- Employer Agreement Register for MEA
    • Registering is the first step to join your service onto the ECEC Multi-Employer Agreement.
    • You will receive:
      • A copy of the ECEC Multi-Employer Agreement
      • A summary document explaining the terms of the agreement
      • An explanation of the process on joining the ECEC Multi-Employer Agreement including support form the Workplace Relations Team.
  • Professional Community Standard Multi-Employer Agreement
    • The Professional Community Standard is currently being renegotiated. Once completed, new services will be able to join. To express your interest in joining onto the PCS 2025 email
  • Individual Flexibility Arrangements
    • Individual Flexibility Arrangements (IFAs) are made between employers and each individual employee. To be sent an IFA pack email
    • Our IFA pack includes
      • Approved templates for Children’s Services Award staff including trainees, and Educational Services (Teachers) Award staff
      • Detailed step by step instructions on how to make IFA’s
Coming soon 

A comprehensive step by step guide to making or varying an enterprise agreement. 

How to find out more

Contact our Workplace Relations Team. You can reach one of our sector specialists by phone on 1300 346 818 or email

For more information on the Worker Retention Grant, visit the Australian Government’s Department of Education website or contact the CCS Helpdesk on 1300 667 276 or via email:

FAQs for providers just starting out

The following FAQs have been compiled by the Team through many of the key questions providers have already asked us. These comprehensive Q&As cover all stages from initial interest in participating, through to implementation of the funding once it has been received.

Please review the FAQs as they will most likely already address your questions.

For more complex questions or scenarios, please complete the short survey to receive the Options Pack along with additional information on contacting the Workplace Relations Team with your specific query. 

What is the role of CCC and CELA?

Community Child Care (CCC) & Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) are peak bodies representing members across community managed, not for profit, small providers and government education and care services.

CCC and CELA have been advocating for the sector for over 30 years and have negotiated this historic deal on behalf of community and small providers. This moment is a significant milestone in recognising the valuable contribution ECEC makes to Australia. 

Through our jointly-formed Education and Workplace Relations Team, we are now working to help providers and their services to understand their options and access the 15% increase as quickly as possible.

What is the ECEC Worker Retention Payment?

In December, 2024, the Federal Government committed $3.6 billion to fund a 15% increase in early childhood wages. This recognises the urgent need to address chronic workforce shortages in the early childhood sector by funding services to pay professional wages without the need to increase fees.

The funding is being delivered in the form of a grant to qualified providers, as this is the most efficient method to quickly get the funds in the pockets of employees.

More information on the ECEC Worker Retention Payment can be found at the Department’s website here

Who is eligible?

The payment will cover eligible ECEC workers who:

Work at an eligible CCS-approved Centre Based Day Care or Outside School Hours Care service that opts in to the payment, and

  • Are covered by either the Children’s Services Award 2010, the Educational Services (Teachers) Award 2020 or a state-based ECEC award, or
  • Undertake the duties included in the Children’s Services Award 2010 and the Educational Services (Teachers) Award 2020.

This may include early childhood teachers, educators, cooks, coordinators, room leaders and support workers. 

What are the funding conditions?

To be eligible for the Worker Retention Payment providers will need to:

  • Limit fee growth to 4.4% from 8 August 2024 – 7 August 2025 and 4.2% from 8 August 2025 – 7 August 2026
  • Engage in a workplace instrument that meets grant conditions
  • Apply for the grant
  • Pass on all funding to eligible workers through increased wages. 

When is the deadline to apply?

Although the applications do not close until 30 September 2026, any provider that applies before 30 June 2025 and meets the eligibility criteria will have their payments backdated to 2 December 2024.

This backdating means that even if you apply later, you can still receive the funding to pay your 
staff from 2 December 2024.

Please take into consideration it may take time to establish a workplace instrument as part of the eligibility of the grant, so don’t leave this to the last minute.

Applications are now open, and grant guidelines are available at the Department website here –

What is the first step we need to take to apply?

The first step for you is to request a no obligation, free Options Pack from the Education and Workplace Relations Team. 

Request Options Pack

This Options Pack details the workplace instruments available to meet this grant condition and how we can provide support, with all pathways and decisions optional by you, the provider.

Once you have requested this, you will receive ongoing updates and be able to access the team for any questions specific to you.

There is no commitment to participate in any workplace arrangement when requesting the Options Pack; it is a tool to help you understand all your options. 

Are state-funded preschools eligible for the funding?

CCC and CELA are working to expand the benefits of the federally funded pay increases to state funded preschools. A supported Bargaining process for 103 NSW community managed preschools is currently underway. Regular updates are provided via our member communications.

Questions about the workplace instrument

Why do I need a workplace instrument?

Workplace instruments are legally binding. They provide assurance that funding is being passed on to workers through increased wages.

You must have an eligible workplace instrument to receive the funding.

What is a workplace instrument?

A workplace instrument sets out terms and conditions of employment, like:

  • Pay rates
  • Penalties and loadings
  • Working hours
  • Leave entitlements.

Workplace instruments can be negotiated through a bargaining process. Workplace instruments are legally binding and provide assurance that funding is being passed on to workers through increased wages.

You must have an eligible workplace instrument to receive the funding. 

What are some eligible workplace instruments?

Some examples of workplace instruments that you could use to meet the grant conditions include:

  • A workplace agreement approved by the Fair Work Commission which may be –
    • A multi-employer workplace agreement
    • A single employer enterprise agreement
  • Individual Flexibility Arrangements (IFA) for all eligible staff.

These instruments need to be made in accordance with the Fair Work Act and meet the conditions set in the grant guidelines. 

What does the workplace instrument need to include to be eligible for the funding?

To be eligible for the worker retention payment, a workplace instrument must:

  • Include an obligation to pay workers at or above the minimum rates in the grant guidelines and in accordance with section 4.3 of the grant guidelines:
  • Apply for the full 2 years of the payment. 

What should I consider when choosing a workplace instrument?

When considering which workplace instrument is the best option for your service/s it’s important to consider:

  • The type of service you provide
  • The numbers of eligible staff
  • The predominant form of employment of your staff (permanent/casual)
  • Whether you currently have existing an workplace agreement and your current level of wages and conditions
  • The operational complexity of making the workplace instrument and any ongoing compliance requirements
  • Any costs associated with making and maintaining the workplace instrument.

Can the Education and Care Workforce Relations Team help us determine which instruments to use?

The Team can provide guidance as to which instrument is best suited for your service/s, but the final choice is up to you. This decision should be based on the considerations outlined above, along with any specific requirements or conditions of your service/s. 

Can I use the Children's Services Award as my instrument?

No, The Children’s Services Award doesn’t currently reflect the minimum funded rates required under the grant guidelines, and as such are not sufficient to meet the funding conditions. 

What is the Early Childhood Education and Care Multi-Employer Agreement Community Standard (PCS)?

The National Long Day Care Multi-Employer Agreement is a new workplace agreement for employers and employees in the long day care sector. It has been negotiated with representatives across the sector including CCC and CELA representing community managed and small providers, and others representing private providers and large providers.

It provides a simple and straight forward way for long day care providers to comply with the requirement to have a workplace instrument to deliver funded ECEC wage increases.

For more information on the ECEC Multi-Employer Agreement:

What is the Professional Community Standard Multi-Employer Agreement (PCS)?

The Professional Childcare Standard (PCS) is an existing multi-employer agreement for community managed long day care services. Originally made in Victoria, any long day care service is eligible to join this agreement.

The PCS has supported community managed services to offer improved pay and conditions since 2008. This Agreement will be renegotiated to ensure it complies with the conditions of funding required for the Worker Retention Grant. This process is already underway, and will likely be concluded in the coming months.

If we have an existing enterprise agreement can we use that?

If you have an existing agreement, whether it’s expired or not – it’s only eligible to be used if it 
contains the current pay schedule. This means it must pay at least the rates included here –

To remain eligible the instrument must maintain rates that are in compliance with the minimum prescribed rates throughout the funding period.

What is an IFA?

Individual Flexibility Arrangements (IFAs) are written agreements made between an employer and an individual employee to amend a term of the award or agreement that covers the employee. If you are an OSHC service or your employees are on an existing agreement, this might be the best option to use to be eligible for the grant.

What if I work in family day care or in home care?

The Department says it will consult with the family day care and in home care sectors to understand how support can be extended to their workforce.

Will it cover on-costs?

The Department says the funding will contribute towards associated on-costs of a wage increase, as long as the funding received is first expended on wages.

Eligible on-costs are:

  • Superannuation contributions
  • Employee entitlements
  • Leave loadings
  • Workers’ compensation insurance
  • Payroll tax.

Still have questions?

Request Options Pack

Get in touch with one of our sector specialists by phone on 1300 346 818 or email

We did it! Educators and teachers in eligible services will receive a government-funded 15% pay rise, following negotiations led by CCC and other representatives.