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Advice and support
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Professional development
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I’m interested in professional development for…
Educators and teachers
Leaders and managers
How much professional development do you need?
2 hours - Ignite package
4 hours - Activate package
8 hours - Embed package
I'm not sure
The funding options that might be applicable for us include...
School Readiness Funding (Victoria only)
Inclusion Support Program - Innovative Solutions Funding
Other/ not applicable
For School Readiness Funding queries, please include number of educators and rooms in the service
I'm interested in this professional development topic...
Responding to children’s challenging behaviours: How to reframe, reset and reduce stress
Meaningful celebrations in education and care: How to embrace the diversity of your families and community
Programming and documentation: Time-saving strategies for getting on top of the planning cycle
Indoor/outdoor environments: Bring confidence and creativity to your learning and play spaces
Critical reflection: From confusion to confidence
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities: How to build genuine relationships with children’s first teachers
Intentional teaching 101: What it is and how to plan and document it!
Circle of Security Classroom (requires 16hrs): How to look beyond children's behaviour and meet their genuine relationship needs
I'm interested in this professional development opportunity...
Assessment and rating preparation visit
Orientation and training for committees
Team building: Nurturing your dream team
Quality improvement planning: Creating a QIP that works for you
The role of the educational leader: Simple strategies to mentor and motivate educators
Managing a service: For new coordinators or directors
Child Safe Standards and Reportable Conduct Scheme for early childhood and OSHC services
Become an Approved Provider
Trauma informed early childhood training and professional conversations: How to deliver programs that are sensitive to the needs of children and families who have experienced trauma
Suburb service is located:
I need this professional development…
Within 2–4 weeks
Within 1–3 months
I don’t have a set date in mind
Are you eligible for a discount?
Yes, I'm eligible for the 25% member discount
No, but I'm interested in accessing the 25% member discount
No, I'm not interested in saving on professional development
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Name of your service
What is the best phone number we can contact you on?
When should we call you?
Anytime during business hours
9am – 11am
11am – 2pm
2pm – 5pm