Do all children need to have a rest time?

Question: Do all children need to have a rest time?

The simple answer is no, but you must meet each child’s daily need for sleep, rest and relaxation while respecting the wishes of their family

Quality Area 6 (specifically Element 6.1.2) says that families should be involved in making decisions for their children and that their decisions should be respected. So how can we balance each child’s differing needs throughout the day?

We can provide children who don’t want to sleep or rest with opportunities for play, while ensuring children who do want to rest – or are showing clear signs of tiredness regardless of the time of day – are able to do so without being disrupted. The room routine
should support educators to meet these needs, not influence or dictate them.

Being responsive doesn’t mean we should allow a child to sleep endlessly. Speak with their family, share what you are noticing, and
work out what is best for the child in the moment, as well as for later in the evening.

Families know their children best – we need to respect and allow them to share in decision-making about their child’s learning and

Aisha Grewal
Consultant, Community Child Care Association

A child lying down on a blanket with eyes open, looking away from the camera