Question: Do all children need to have a rest time?
Answer: The simple answer is no, but you must meet each child’s daily need for sleep, rest and relaxation while respecting the wishes of their family

Question: As a single-educator OSHC coordinator with limited time and a small group of children, how can I keep programs vibrant and responsive with fewer children’s interests to springboard from, and no immediate colleagues to bounce ideas off?
Answer: Listen to families, lean on your peers, and utilise existing resources.

Question: In light of the new Child Safe Standards, is showing physical affection towards children still appropriate in services?
Answer: Physical affection is appropriate when children are empowered to communicate their consent.

Question: Is superhero play really OK? Sometimes it can be rough and the costumes can cause problems with toileting and overheating.
Answer: Yes, let’s support superhero play!

Question: How do I highlight children’s voices authentically in my documentation?
Answer: Talk with and observe the children

Question: What is the difference between critical reflection and reflective practice? Do you have to do both, or just one? Every day, every week?
Answer: Both are thinking skills to be used depending on the situation

Question: Is it wrong to ask children to line up? Some educators say there’s no need for children to wait in line before meals, outdoor play or on excursions, while others feel it’s important for safety and school readiness…
Answer: It’s not wrong or right, but it’s also not necessary

Question: Help! The children in my 2–3s room don’t listen to me. How can I be firmer with them?
Answer: Promote a calmer environment and reflect on the needs behind children’s behaviour