Educator looking up at the ceiling with a chalk drawing of a set of balanced scales on the blackboard behind them

Question: How can we achieve an equitable workload?

Answer: Review workloads, check in with staff, and play to their strengths and interests!

Educator sitting on a child's chair, resting their chin in one hand and looking off in the distance

Question: I keep hearing about how there aren’t enough educators and teachers. What can we do to stop this affecting our children’s service?

Answer: Whilst there isn’t a magic fix-all, there are some steps you can take to keep your workforce strong.

Three educators enjoying a conversation, one is holding a folder

Question: What's the best way to get a new team connected quickly?

Answer: By creating a sense of belonging.

Educators with notepads sitting around a table having a conversation

Question: I’m finding it hard to engage some educators in the programming and planning cycle, especially those who work part-time or casually. Any tips?

Answer: Involve all educators from the start, and support, assist and mentor them along the way.

An educational leader sharing instructions with an educator

Question: How do educational leaders fulfil our weekly and monthly duties while we are having to spend so much time working with children?

Answer: Allocating set non-contact time is crucial for educational leaders.