A child lying down on a blanket with eyes open, looking away from the camera

Question: Do all children need to have a rest time?

Answer: The simple answer is no, but you must meet each child’s daily need for sleep, rest and relaxation while respecting the wishes of their family

School-aged children wearing red baseball caps, celebrating with hands up in the air

Question: How can my service build a strong relationship with my community?

Answer: Using reflective practice, following and extending children’s ideas, and learning and implementing key intentional teaching activities will naturally connect you with your broader community

Educator looking up at the ceiling with a chalk drawing of a set of balanced scales on the blackboard behind them

Question: How can we achieve an equitable workload?

Answer: Review workloads, check in with staff, and play to their strengths and interests!

Educator sitting on a child's chair, resting their chin in one hand and looking off in the distance

Question: I keep hearing about how there aren’t enough educators and teachers. What can we do to stop this affecting our children’s service?

Answer: Whilst there isn’t a magic fix-all, there are some steps you can take to keep your workforce strong.

Three educators enjoying a conversation, one is holding a folder

Question: What's the best way to get a new team connected quickly?

Answer: By creating a sense of belonging.

A child drawing with coloured pencils

Question: Is it worthwhile continuing with time-intensive documentation like portfolios next year?

Answer: It’s up to your team to reflect on whether portfolios are the best documentation method for your service.

School age children playimg a game outside

Question: Children in my room don’t want to play together because they are different genders. What can we do to encourage mixed-gender play?

Answer: Reflect on your own attitudes and thoughts around gender roles and inclusive play.

Joyful child with head titled to the sky with eyes closed

Question: How do I highlight children’s voices authentically in my documentation?

Answer: Talk with and observe the children