Question: What are the observation requirements in OSHC? My background is early childhood where daily observations are required. Just wondering if there are different requirements for MTOP?
There is no requirement for individual child observations at an OSHC service.
Some OSHC services ask children to complete an ‘about me’ template which they can change throughout the year, or a child ‘multiple intelligences survey’. These documents are then used to inform the educational program and practice.
The children may be encouraged to critically reflect upon themselves/who they are/what they like/what their strengths are. Then after an activity or experience is complete, educators and children can document the learning that occurred. They may do this through a learning story or reflective journal. This might include photos, drawings, pictures, audio recordings, etc.
From time to time, individual children may be observed when educators need to gather additional information. This might Lucy Harberts Consultant, Community Child Care Association be because the educators have a concern or might be wondering if something else is happening for the child (for example, in relation to their behaviour).
Individual observations may be documented in a diary or as an observational running record of the situation/incident, triggers, what was observed, who was involved, etc. This information could then be used to form a bigger picture of the child.
More information can be found in the ACECQA Documenting Programs for School Age Children information sheet and Educator’s Guide to My Time Our Place.
Lucy Harberts
Consultant, Community Child Care Association