School Readiness Funding packages

School Readiness Funding packages

Professional development for Victorian kindergartens and early learning services

Looking to make the most of your School Readiness Funding? We can help.

Our School Readiness Funding packages equip Victorian early childhood teachers and educators with essential skills and strategies to help children thrive in the three School Readiness Funding priority areas:

  • Communication (language development)
  • Wellbeing (social and emotional)
  • Access and inclusion. 

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We are an accredited School Readiness Provider on the Victorian Department of Education’s School Readiness Funding menu.

School-aged child with backpack
Why use your School Readiness Funding with CCC?
  • We’re an accredited provider. We proudly appear on the Victorian Department of Education’s School Readiness Funding menu, ensuring you receive trusted support
  • With over 150 years of combined experience in kindergarten and early learning, our consultants provide the expertise you need to make the most of your funding
  • We will come to your kindergarten or early learning service – whether you’re in metro Melbourne or regional Victoria we can come to your location or offer convenient virtual options to suit your needs
  • Our packages are customisable to match your team’s quality improvement goals, development areas and budget
What Victorian kindergartens and early learning services are saying

‘It’s just like a personalised PD session. There is no judgement, the coach is there to support you. Our coach has supported us with individual children’s behaviour plans. I can’t recommend it more highly’ Jessie, Tyers Preschool

‘After learning why children might behave in certain ways, we don’t feel hopeless anymore. Even the smallest progress, a child learning to share or take turns, feels like a light at the end of the tunnel. The training has supported us in a very positive way.' – Nethmi, Gowrie Victoria Carlton Learning Precinct 

How you can make the most of your School Readiness Funding allocation

If you are now developing your School Readiness Funding plan, please reach out so we can support you to get the most out of your funding.